See what the scientists are saying:
climate references (updated 2019-9-18)
When I became updated on the seriousness of our current climate-situation (september 2019), I decided to take a leave of absence from my job, to spread the word. Too few people in my inner circle had heard about the coming collapse of civilization, if we continue changing as slow as we have been doing (see what the scientists are saying).
This was a sign for me to help the dissimination along, firstly through the symbolism of placing myself in public space with a climate-sign, talking to people on my way, in public transports, on the street and in shops, and involving myself in related events. At the same time I worked on the climate section of this site, and working on a climate art performance.
The talks were good, but I noted that one of the speakers talked about solutions for the climate primarily being emission-neutral fuels for ships and planes, and planting trees.
The problem is that these solutions doesn't influence other countries directly; our climate problem is global in nature - so we need to be one of the actors pushing for global change. This can e.g. be done with emission-taxes (as several climate scientists have suggested), where the paid taxes are given directly back to the people. This gives less polluting products the advantage, which will lead to a shift in the types of products that are feasible to produce (see e.g. this TED talk by Dan Miller). Of course this is better done on a grander scale - e.g. at the scale of the EU.
I borrowed a 7k lumen projector and bought a big truck battery to power it. To get some intuition for what it takes to setup a projection, I took a trip to Copenhagen and in the end settled on doing it at Kongens Nytorv. My performance only worked for about 20 minutes, but several good lessons were learned. The two first images are from the trip to Copenhagen, and the last one is of the final setup.
I will post more details on this shortly. The current plan for performances:
This will also be my first public usage of the art instrument, niseq (n-dimensional image sequencer), that I've been iterating on for a long time. It's a piece of software that strives to go back to the roots of early experimental film-making, but as a live instrument. Its goal is to shed the narrative focus of modern film-making and explore the less explored potentials of the medium.
Again, sat and read climate related articles and wrote on the climate-section of this site, with a climate-sign exposed to people passing by. Talked with a couple of people about the climate situation and got an umbrella from a young guy as it had started raining - thank you (:
It's very apparent from speaking to random people in the public, that very few people are aware of the seriousness of the climate situation we are in.
Several presentations were held by people from DTU and the industry. I especially took note of:
Also, I asked a couple of the speakers about reaching the zero CO2 goal of 2025. Here are some of their statements and my deductions.
The representative from Seaborg:
industrial and capitalistic world order. This presupposition is incompatible with going for zero emissions in 2025, as there is not enough time before industrialized civilization needs to be stopped or slowed down, as of the reccomendation from XR.
One of the scientists from DTU (didn't get her name) said that she was informed that there is no will from the top actors in society to redefine our ways of production. So she agreed that the change would need to come bottom up, i.e. as is the plan of XR. She didn't know about XR either.
Some of my conclusions:
There is a big need for dissimination of tactics for actually solving the climate crisis before it's too late, and for dissiminating the science to different actors. Even dissimination of science to scientists inside the field...
There needs to be a story for removing the dependence on fossile fuels for all countries globally. A couple of my thoughts on this:
This summit was about brainstorming in groups about bettering our global food, social and economic systems, in a world that today is not sustainable.
Our final ideas after a days work:
We evolved a 3d-map of our existing food-system through discussions, towards a system we believe would be better. We analyzed what the differences of the respectively initial- and end-systems were:
Sat down and made my climate sign - talked with a couple of people about the climate situation.
(notes/media coming)