climate references
"Scientists must act on our own warnings to humanity" in Nature
"World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice" - 15,364 scientist signatories from 184 countries
"More than 12,000 scientists have signed a statement started by researchers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland in support of the strikes"
List of 24. climate facts with references to papers
Signatures of statement
"The Guardian Press Letter - 100 academics support Extinction Rebellion"
174 danish scientists have written letter backing up Extinction Rebellion
"Statement by Psychologists and Psychotherapists in response to the Protests for Increased Climate Protection"
"Thousands of scientists are backing the kids striking for climate change" in Nature
"We are inspired that our children, spurred on by the noble actions of Greta Thunberg and other striking students, are making their voices heard, say 224 academics" in the Guardian
papers and science-reports
"What Lies Beneath - The Understatement Of Existential Climate Risk" by David Spratt & Ian Dunlop
"Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy" by Jem Bendell
"The Uninhabitable Earth" by New York magazine
"Scientists Have Been Underestimating the Pace of Climate Change" by Scientific American
"After the IPCC report, #climatereality" by Rupert Read
"Why I had to tell my students that I fear for them" by Rupert Read
Climate scientists
"Why I must speak out about climate change" by James Hansen
"Deep Adaptation" by Jem Bendell & Toni Spencer
"Can clouds buy us more time to solve climate change?" by Kate Marvel
Extinction Rebellion
"Heading for Extinction" by George Monbiot, Dr Rachel Treharne and Zuhura Plummer
@ 12 min.: Rachel Treharne has a PhD, studying the climate; goes in depth explaining current climate facts and science
Dr. Gail Bradbrook at CogX London
Dr Rupert Read's Talk on Climate Catastrophe
"Time to Act Now" Roger Hallam | Extinction Rebellion
Dr Rupert Read - The Uncertain Situation We Are In
"If we don't work together, we are going to die together" with Roger Hallam
Tools to solve the crisis
Citizens assemblies
"What if we replaced politicians with randomly selected people?" by Brett Hennig
Insights to solve the crisis
"The power to think ahead in a reckless age" by Bina Venkataraman
"The moral roots of liberals and conservatives" by Jonathan Haidt
"Three Stories About Capitalism" by Jonathan Haidt
Climate scientists
Climate Scientist Jason Box: “Our Economic System Is Crashing With Reality”
Extinction Rebellion
(dk) "Extinction Rebellion: Derfor bryder vi loven i klimaets navn", interview with danish psychologist from XR
"3 Things to Watch as Summer Heat Bakes the Arctic" by The Scientific American
(dk) Arctic fires in 2019 emitted 50M tonnes of CO2 - the same as Swedens yearly emissions
"The Amazon Is on Fire. So Is Central Africa." by New York Times
"The last five Julys have been the five hottest of all time" by Cbs News
"The precautionary principle" @ Wikipedia
"Citizens assemblies" @ Wikipedia