oil, coal, gas... i.e. fossile fuels lying under ground
where do these come from?
the addition of _more_ greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere
what causes climate-change?
you can be as inefficient as you want in converting and using energy, and not cause climate change
i.e. not change their ways
.. by saving resources
.. by optimizing
.. which is not acted upon in realistic fashion yet - actions are too smallscale vs climate goals
.. by looking to the future
.. by sacrificing something now, to survive later
- learn about trying to survive the future
more importantly, it's about surviving and thinking longterm
.. even though this game is partially about efficiency
everyone should try to play the game Frostpunk
then technology can solve our big energy _wants_ in the future
which is not an extreme change at all, relative to the problem at hand
some science found that we would only need to live like we did in the 60's
"optimizing what we already do"
"sacrificing some of what we do"
major point: there is a difference between:
(I realize that this is also "efficiency", but is not what people mean when talking about efficiency)
why don't we lower our living standards??
because green energy can't supply our demands yet
which implicitly means that fossile fuels need to be extracted
because they want to keep living the way we do
why then does people talk about efficiency?
but inefficiency doesn't cause climate change!
- without concrete knowledge about how this will be done
which is coupled with a blissful optimism for technological development to solve everything
.. and what they mean is "efficiency of doing what we already do"
many people talk about efficiency for solving climate change
.. for now - in the future tech can raise the standards again
our living standards, which are distributed very unevenly across people
the economy need to include what life on earth values, in its calculations
tax hard on destruction of climate and nature
not letting big polluting companies pollute for free
what is then central to solve climatechange?
2 thoughts left